
maftools package in R

required Mutation Annotation Format (MAF) file

Masked Somatic Mutation analysis

maftools provides various functions to perform most commonly used analyses in cancer genomics. This package attempts to summarize, analyze, annotate and visualize MAF files in an efficient manner from either The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) sources or any in-house studies as long as the data is in MAF format.


Such cohort-based large-scale characterizations often produce large amounts of data in the form of somatic variants containing single-nucleotide variants (SNV) and small insertion/deletions (indels). Somatic variants provide baseline data for many analyses, such as Single Nucleotide Polimorphism (SNP) types, driver gene detection, mutation frequencies, somatic interactions, visualization, and estimation of tumor heterogeneity, applied by the package employment.

Thanks to Genome Resarch. PMID: 30341162 and PoisonAlien/maftools


Install from BiocManager package

Required files
luad_maf <- GDCquery(project = "TCGA-LUAD", 
                     data.category = "Simple Nucleotide Variation",
                     data.type = "Masked Somatic Mutation",
                     access = "open")
GDCdownload(luad_maf,method = "client")
luadmaf <- GDCprepare(luad_maf)

Now, we have all genes with mutation types in LUAD cohort along with features data. SNP mutations are detectable in the output table, which can be separated based on Variant_Classification column in luadmaf table resulted from GDCprepare function.

head (luadmaf)
A tibble: 6 × 140
  Hugo_Symbol Entrez_Gene_Id Center NCBI_Build Chromosome Start_Position End_Position Strand Variant_Classification
  <chr>                <int> <chr>  <chr>      <chr>               <int>        <int> <chr>  <chr>                 
1 ELAPOR1              57535 BI     GRCh38     chr1            109197542    109197542 +      Silent                
2 HIPK1               204851 BI     GRCh38     chr1            113962403    113962403 +      Missense_Mutation     
3 FDPS                  2224 BI     GRCh38     chr1            155319833    155319833 +      Missense_Mutation     
4 YY1AP1               55249 BI     GRCh38     chr1            155668660    155668660 +      Silent                
5 FCRL3               115352 BI     GRCh38     chr1            157697402    157697402 +      Silent                
6 OR6F1               343169 BI     GRCh38     chr1            247712205    247712205 +      Missense_Mutation     

We also access to altered alleles and substitutions’ position in each gene, indication nucleotides and amino acid exchanges in columns: HGVSc, HGVSp, and HGVSp_Short.

 HGVSc     HGVSp       HGVSp_Short
  <chr>     <chr>       <chr>      
1 c.2190C>T p.Phe730=   p.F730=    
2 c.2068C>G p.Gln690Glu p.Q690E    
3 c.964G>C  p.Gly322Arg p.G322R    
4 c.984C>T  p.Leu328=   p.L328=    
5 c.582G>T  p.Leu194=   p.L194=    
6 c.551G>T  p.Trp184Leu p.W184L  
Reading MAF file
LUAD <- read.maf(maf = luadmaf)
-Silent variants: 47915 
--Possible FLAGS among top ten genes:
-Processing clinical data
-Processing clinical data
-Finished in 30.9s elapsed (25.6s cpu)
#Typing laml shows basic summary of MAF file.

An object of class  MAF 
                        ID summary    Mean Median
                    <char>  <char>   <num>  <num>
 1:             NCBI_Build  GRCh38      NA     NA
 2:                 Center      BI      NA     NA
 3:                Samples     616      NA     NA
 4:                 nGenes   16642      NA     NA
 5:        Frame_Shift_Del    4256   6.909    4.0
 6:        Frame_Shift_Ins    1290   2.094    1.0
 7:           In_Frame_Del     406   0.659    0.0
 8:           In_Frame_Ins      49   0.080    0.0
 9:      Missense_Mutation  126254 204.958  137.5
10:      Nonsense_Mutation   10454  16.971   10.0
11:       Nonstop_Mutation     175   0.284    0.0
12:            Splice_Site    3719   6.037    3.0
13: Translation_Start_Site     211   0.343    0.0
14:                  total  146814 238.334  158.5

sample summary

sample <- getSampleSummary(LUAD)

Gene summary

gene <- getGeneSummary(LUAD) 

Recommended clinical data associated with each sample/Tumor_Sample_Barcode in MAF.

clin <- getClinicalData(LUAD)


Somatic Interactions

Interaction between pair genes using somaticInteractions function based on:

Useful for identification of relationships between genes based on their mutation patterns across a population of samples. Highlights potential functional connections between the genes.

somaticinter <- somaticInteractions(maf = LUAD, top = 20, pvalue = 0.01)


Binary feature for identifying mutated or non-mutated based on 0 and 1

The result shows pair genes interacted together. The significant interactions are identified by pAdj column and the interaction type is described by Event column.

gene1  gene2       pValue oddsRatio    00    01    11    10         pAdj        Event         pair
   <char> <char>        <num>     <num> <int> <int> <int> <int>        <num>       <char>       <char>
1:  LRP1B  MUC16 1.122434e-18  4.882350   296   120   133    67 2.040789e-17 Co_Occurence LRP1B, MUC16
2:  CSMD3    TTN 3.465805e-18  4.433788   267   107   155    87 5.776341e-17 Co_Occurence   CSMD3, TTN
3:  USH2A  CSMD3 1.326806e-17  4.868679   313   124   118    61 2.041241e-16 Co_Occurence CSMD3, USH2A
4:    TTN  MUC16 6.281772e-17  4.131432   259    95   158   104 8.973961e-16 Co_Occurence   MUC16, TTN
5:   APOB  MUC16 1.693377e-16  6.421572   337   169    84    26 2.257836e-15 Co_Occurence  APOB, MUC16
6:    TTN  USH2A 1.019462e-15  4.367813   296    58   121   141 1.274328e-14 Co_Occurence   TTN, USH2A

Detecting driver genes

maftools has a function oncodrive which identifies cancer genes (driver) from a given MAF. Oncodriver - driver genes - Concept is based on the fact that most of the variants in cancer causing genes are enriched at few specific loci (hot-spots).

driver <- oncodrive(maf = LUAD, minMut = 5, pvalMethod = "zscore")
Estimating background scores from synonymous variants..
Assuming protein change information are stored under column HGVSp_Short. Use argument AACol to override if necessary.
 Hugo_Symbol Frame_Shift_Del Frame_Shift_Ins In_Frame_Del In_Frame_Ins Missense_Mutation
        <char>           <int>           <int>        <int>        <int>             <int>
1:    CDC42EP2               0               0            0            0                 5
2:       DDX49               0               0            0            0                 8
3:     DEFB121               0               0            0            0                 6
4:     KRTCAP3               0               0            0            0                 6
5:        LCAT               0               0            0            0                 4
6:         OXT               0               0            0            0                 6
   Nonsense_Mutation Nonstop_Mutation Splice_Site Translation_Start_Site total MutatedSamples
               <int>            <int>       <int>                  <int> <num>          <int>
1:                 0                0           0                      0     5              5
2:                 0                0           0                      0     8              8
3:                 0                0           0                      0     6              6
4:                 0                0           0                      0     6              6
5:                 1                0           0                      0     5              4
6:                 0                0           0                      0     6              6
   AlteredSamples clusters muts_in_clusters clusterScores protLen   zscore        pval          fdr
            <int>    <int>            <int>         <num>   <int>    <num>       <num>        <num>
1:              5        1                5             1     210 5.546154 1.46011e-08 6.363157e-06
2:              8        2                8             1     483 5.546154 1.46011e-08 6.363157e-06
3:              6        1                6             1      76 5.546154 1.46011e-08 6.363157e-06
4:              6        1                6             1     240 5.546154 1.46011e-08 6.363157e-06
5:              4        2                5             1     440 5.546154 1.46011e-08 6.363157e-06
6:              6        1                6             1     125 5.546154 1.46011e-08 6.363157e-06
1:                      1
2:                      1
3:                      1
4:                      1
5:                      1
6:                      1

Protein domain changes

maftools comes with the function pfamDomains, which adds pfam domain information to the amino acid changes. Adding pfam domain changes for detection of amino acid changes in protein.pfamDomain also summarizes amino acid changes according to the domains that are affected.

pfam <- pfamDomains(maf = LUAD, top = 10)

Get summary of protein and amino acid

prSum <- pfam$proteinSummary
Dsum <- pfam$domainSummary
    HGNC AAPos Variant_Classification     N total  fraction DomainLabel       pfam
    <char> <num>                 <fctr> <int> <num>     <num>      <char>     <char>
1:    KRAS    12      Missense_Mutation   146   163 0.8957055     COG1100       <NA>
2:    EGFR   858      Missense_Mutation    23   104 0.2211538   PTKc_EGFR    cd05108
3:    EGFR   746           In_Frame_Del    21   104 0.2019231   PTKc_EGFR    cd05108
4:    BRAF   640      Missense_Mutation    13    54 0.2407407     Pkinase  pfam00069
5: ALDH1B1    75      Missense_Mutation    12    22 0.5454545    PLN02466       <NA>
6:   CD163   987      Missense_Mutation    12    52 0.2307692          SR smart00202
1:       GTPase SAR1 and related small G proteins [General function prediction only]
2: Catalytic domain of the Protein Tyrosine Kinase, Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor
3: Catalytic domain of the Protein Tyrosine Kinase, Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor
4:                                                             Protein kinase domain
5:                                            aldehyde dehydrogenase family 2 member
6:                                                       Scavenger receptor Cys-rich


Survival analysis - Kaplan_miere (KM)

Survival analysis is an essential part of cohort anaysis.

Required clinical input => Tumor_sample_Barcode -> matches to those in MAF file.

binary event -> 1,0 => Status (vital_status): Alive = 0, Dead = 1

time to event -> last followup => days

We can load clinical data in various ways such as TCGA or othe clinical files including annotation of samples, specifically Tumor_sample_Barcode column as in MAF file.

cohort <- tcgaLoad(study = "LUAD")

releasing clinicalData

clin <- getClinicalData(cohort)

removing NA values and setting 0 and 1 for Alive and DEAD status respectively because it is important to have binary feature.

clin$days_to_last_followup[clin$days_to_last_followup=="[Not Available]"] <- NA
clin$vital_status[clin$vital_status=="Alive"] <- 0
clin$vital_status[clin$vital_status=="Dead"] <- 1

obtaining all data

data <- cohort@data
luad <- read.maf(data, clinicalData = clin)

Now, we have a full data with clinical eature added.

Function mafSurvive performs survival analysis and draws kaplan meier curve by grouping samples based on mutation status

mafSurvival(maf = luad, genes = "DNMT3A", 
            time = "days_to_last_followup", Status = "vital_status")


   Group   medianTime   N
   <char>      <num> <int>
1: Mutant      259.5    18
2:     WT      626.0   375
mafSurvGroup(maf = luad, geneSet = c("KRAS","TP53"), 
             time = "days_to_last_followup", Status = "vital_status")



plotmafSummary(maf = luad, rmOutlier = T, addStat = "median", dashboard = T, titvRaw = F)

variant classification

oncoplot(maf = luad)


luad.titv <- titv(maf = luad,plot = F, useSyn = T)


Indicating the mutation frequencies positions on a gene based on protien domain.

lollipopPlot(maf = luad, gene = "TP53", AACol = "HGVSp_Short",
             showMutationRate = T, showDomainLabel = T)
